CH Karamad's  Kayak  Carousel  of  Time - "Kari"



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September 15, 1999  to  June 30, 2012

The Carousel has stopped but the memories live on.

What a wonderful ride.  We miss you Kari.

Kari took a bit  more time than her sister and brother to prepare for the show ring, but when she was ready she took the ring by storm.  She is a beautiful young lady that never seems to put a foot wrong.  Kari hit the ring and promptly accumulated 9 points including a BOB and a Group 4.  She has proved herself to be quite the show gal and a wonderful Mom. 

5-26-06 Kari was awarded her second major from judge Ms. Virginia Lyne to finish.

Piloted by her buddy Tommy O

Kari was awarded WB/BOW by judge David Bolus 3-18-06 handled by Tommy O

Kari on the move 9-12-04

   Kari was awarded WB/BOW/BOB/ Group 4 under Mrs. Jean Fournier 8-17-02

WB/BOS 8-10-02

WB/BOS 8-11-02

 Kari was awarded WB/BOS 7/6/02

OFA: SH-14570G32F-PI



                                Producer of:

                                sired by:  CH Kontoki's ReincarNate                                                        

                                Karamad's Natural Sunsation - Sunny


                               sired by:  Karamad's Kayak Sky's The Limit

                                  CH Kayak's Wild Bleu Younder - Pilot


                               sired by: CH Karamad's Sumiro Bearheat

                                   Karamad's Kayak Bearly N Time - "Poppy"

                                   Kayak's Karamad Kare Bear - "Frankie"



Gray & white female
brown eyes
DOB: 9-15-99
                    			CH. RAINY NIGHTS MACK-N-TOSH 
               	 CH. KONTOKI'S EIEIO 
                   	 		  CH. KONTOKI"S ONCE UPON A TIME
		    CH KONTOKI'S 'N' BINGO WAS HIS NAME O           
                   		      CH KONTOKI'S ONE MO' TIME 
               	    Kontoki's Helen Wheels 
                    		Kontoki's Edith Ann
CH Karamad's Kayak Carousel of Time - "Kari"

                    		                CH. AADAK'S HERE'S LOOKINATCHA KID 
              		        CH. NEECHEE'S SNOWFIRE DARKSHADOW 
                    			 CH. SNOWFIRE'S APRIL EDITION 
                    		            AM/CAN CH. AMAHOK'S STAR TREKKER 
             		  CH. AMAHOK'S KINDRED SPIRIT 
                    		    Reflection's Fresh Start

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